‘Edit CSS’ doesn’t allow me to edit

  • I would like to change the font color for the blog title because it doesn’t show up over the header image. I know i need custom CSS upgrade but thought i could try and preview the change before i buy. Edit CSS will not allow me to. WordPress support said:

    You can change this color by adjusting the stylesheet for your current theme. This will require a custom CSS upgrade. You can find more information about this at:

    You’d want to adjust the color set to #header h1 a. Let me know if you have any further questions.

    HELP! The blog is uribotanicalgardens.wordpress.com the theme is Andrea.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @uribg, at wordpress.COM, you don’t actually “edit” the existing CSS. What you do is make additions or changes that override the existing.

    Delete everything from the CSS edit window (it is informational text) and add the following and then change the hex color code to the code you want to use.

    #header h1 a {
    color: #FFFFFF;

    Click the preview button. If the change does not show up, then force refresh that preview page. Sometimes the browsers will pull up a cached version of the page instead of creating a new preview.

  • AHA! Thank you! It worked. I wasn’t in the edit window, i was in view stylesheet.
    Can i change the font type/size the same way (with the upgrade)?

    Thank you again.

  • Yes, just add the declarations you wish to that selector such as below. The fonts and the size below are what is used now. I included font-weight as well where you can change it to bold of you wished.

    #header h1 a {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",sans-serif;
    font-size: 22px;
    font-weight: normal;

    A note on fonts though. Stick with fonts that are likely installed on ALL computers since the browser will pull fonts from the computer and if the font isn’t there, it will substitute with typically either the browser standard serif or san-serif. The following link will give you a guide.


    You can also use the typekit service which is supported here and then the fonts will be pulled from typekit which would give you a lot larger selection.


  • Thank you for that bit of code and your clear explanation. i think i will have to experiment to make the title and the tagline both the same color, size, and weight. but it is beginning to make sense. Thanks.

  • You’re welcome, and finding a color for the site title that will be legible in that particular spot will be tricky given the varied color values there.

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