Edit and View Are Entirely Different!

  • So, I am trying to establish a blog for a class, but I am really struggling with the editing page not looking ANYTHING like the actual viewed page. Accessing the homepage through Pages -> Edit presents the desired page. Any other way of accessing/editing the page results in the blog-style homepage.

    -Confirmed home page is set to static through Settings
    -Confirmed home page is set to static through Theme

    Is this potentially because I changed themes? Perhaps because I deselected a Posts page so I could modify the layout? I have no idea how to fix this, and I don’t want to proceed further until I know what I did to mess it up.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    From what I see, you have heavily edited your page template here: https://wflscicomm.wordpress.com/wp-admin/site-editor.php.

    And it looks to me that in the process of editing that template, you may have removed the “Post Content” block, which is the way that this template uses to show the “page contents” of any page using that template.

    In the case of your home page, it is set to use this template, but because the Post Content block is missing, the contents of your homepage have no way to display themselves. Instead, I see you have added a Blog Posts block, which shows your most recent blog post on your homepage.

    You can correct this by editing the template and adding the Post Content block to the place in the layout where you wish the homepage content to appear.

    This is difficult to explain in words, so I recorded a quick video to show you how to add the post content block to your page template.

    You can view it at this link: https://d.pr/v/hyvsjG.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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