Edin theme css and problem with customizer

  • I wonder if I could have some help with my blog, please? It’s

    The blog is currently private and I don’t want to make it public right now. I’ll mark this for staff to see. It’s a bit too long winded for me to handle in chat at the moment and I couldn’t find the email support address, so I thought the css forum would be best, though there’s one part of it that is probably more related to the WordPress.com site itself.

    I’ve a few problems. I am using Edin theme and have applied some css to it, but after I’ve saved my changes, the customizer hasn’t been showing me the same view as I see on my actual home page. To start with I’d wanted to minimise the white space between the bottom of my header image and the top of the post title, but I became very frustrated with that and then decided to make the white space that was there on my home page the same colour as the background (#e1ebfe). That looks good to me on my actual home page and is how I want to keep it now, but it isn’t showing in the customizer at all.

    The other thing I’d like to achieve which I haven’t sussed out how to do, yet, is have the Title text of each of my pages appear centred over the text itself, rather than centred (as it currently is) over the whole width of the blog area. I’ve done a screenshot of that (see below). For instance, on my Info (About) page, I’ve a photo of myself centred over my content text but the Title of the page is not centred above it, it’s off to the upper right of it which, to my eye, looks wrong. If there is no way to do this, then is there a way to get rid of it altogether and I’ll type the title in, into my post editor instead, and will centre it there. (I am still using the old Classic Editor, by the way. I don’t want to use Blocks in this blog.) I did do that a while back, by mistake, when I lost the titles! It’d be nice to have the css (if it exists) to make it happen automatically.

    I’ve taken some screenshots of what I’m seeing, they are here:

    Is there some way to fix the customizer so that the view in that and what I’m seeing on my home page when I save the changes, are actually the same? There are still a few changes I’d like to make and it’s driving me crazy trying to get it right without seeing what’s happening as I do it, particularly as I’m fairly new to css and am doing it partially by using answers to similar support questions on the forum (as many as I can that are meant for Edin theme) and also (with difficulty) using the style sheet in my browser.

    I’ve looked at the customizer and the home page on two different computers (both running Windows 10) and on one computer have tried it in two browsers (Firefox and Chrome) and on the other computer have tried it in three browsers (Opera, Firefox and Chrome, all up to date), and I’ve repeatedly cleared my cache on all of them, but it’s always the same with the customizer not updating properly. Third party cookies are enabled and I also disabled all my add-ons in Firefox on one of the computers (the other computer is my husband’s not mine so I don’t like to alter his settings) and again, no difference. Actually, I’m no longer sure if what I’m seeing on the home page is the actual thing or if the view I see in the customizer is the real one. I want to keep the view that has the blue space between the header and the post title.

    Hopefully you can help. I have some mental processing difficulties (brain fog) and it has taken me about a month to get as far with this as I have. I’d really like to get it sorted out soon, as I’m pretty tired now.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @valcolours thank you for that thorough explanation, but given that your site is private, it would be difficult to discuss it here in this public forum.

    Would you mind reaching out to us here instead? https://wordpress.com/help/contact

    Live chat support is included in your Premium plan, and would allow us to take a closer look at your CSS in realtime without the need to share screenshots here in public.


  • @staff-totoro Thank you. I’ve just sorted it out via chat as you recommended. My blog is only temporarily private while I make various changes to it, and when I open it again I’ll delete the screenshots so it doesn’t really matter that their links are public here.

    I’ll mark this resolved. Thanks again.

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