Edin site questions

  • Hello! I am exploring and investigating what changes I can make on my Edin themed WordPress.com site. I would like to have my three latest blogs appear in a grid format. I also would like to restore the Menu button next to the search function on my homepage. I’ve been playing around with the site for hours now. Please help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I would like to have my three latest blogs appear in a grid format.

    This is not possible on that theme. If you like this kind of functionality you need to select another theme. Here are all the themes that support featuring posts in the front page:


    I also would like to restore the Menu button next to the search function on my homepage.

    Looks like you managed to restore the menu button already.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. I’m happy to help.

  • Thanks so much. I was able to restore the Menu button, however, the various options appear convoluted. When I hover over one of them, the WordPress “w” appears instead of the word “Home” or “About” or “Contact.” Do you know how to fix this?

    As I was experimenting yesterday, I managed to move my latest blog entry on my homepage from flush right to flush left. I can’t seem to get it back to the right hand side! I’ve tried in the Front Page section of the Customizer. Do you have advice on how to move it back to the right hand side of the homepage?

    Finally, before I began making changes yesterday, I swear I had my latest entry on the right, and then subsequent blogs were under it but also on the homepage. Can you help with this?

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

  • Howdy –

    When I hover over one of them, the WordPress “w” appears instead of the word “Home” or “About” or “Contact.” Do you know how to fix this?

    Can you grab a screen shot of what you are seeing? Add it here through a third party link like droplr or put it in your site’s media library and I’ll find it there. I see normal page titles in the menu feature, so I’m not sure if we are looking at the same thing?

    Are you referring to the alignment of https://migrandrapidsgirl.wordpress.com/2018/09/01/dreaming-in-spain/ ?

    The home page is set up with the Front Page Template right now. My guess is that you were playing around with that page template options. See the setup instructions here: https://wordpress.com/theme/edin

  • Hi, I was able to figure out the Header Menu.

    The alignment I’m referring to is the abbreviated version of my latest blog, which appears on the homepage. I was in fact playing around with the templates. I can’t seem to recreate my original version, which had the abbreviated blog entry on the Front Page Page Three Spot. Now, even though I have “Blog” in the Front Page Page Three Spot, it is appearing on Front Page Page One. I attached a screen shot in my media library.

  • Looks like you’re getting there for sure, it can be a bit tricky to get things set up at first but I’m sure you will love it once you get there.

    The three featured page which appears on the Front Page template can be selected from Customizer > Theme Options > Front Page Featured Page

    I think this link will work but if not see the screenshot linked below:

    Screenshot: https://cloudup.com/ca23jxe9qtX

    If only one item exists (which is the case with your current set up) it will show in area one. However, after you select all three pages you’ll be able to order them as you’d like.

    Let us know if you need anything else.

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