Edditor improvement suggestion

  • I use the Classic Editor and not the Blue Death Editor, there is a click on link for “Most Used Tags”

    Would be great to have a second button “Show all Tags” – I have many tags, more than show as the top tags, so finding the less used Tags can be a problem at times and has led to me having almost duplicated tags


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Actually, if you’ll pause after typing the first few letters of a tag, you can see system suggestions. This is almost like searching for the related tags, and may get you faster results than viewing the whole list.

    That said, if you want to see all of the tags, as well as how many posts are assigned to each one, go to WP-Admin > Posts > Tags. If you have duplicates, you can remove them there, too.

  • I already know about type the first letter or two for a short list, use it all the time and I also know where to find the master list

    I want the whole list visible in the classic editor as per my original suggestion, you did not give me any new information I did not already know,

  • I’ve already passed your suggestion along as well, so know you’ve been heard. And I’m glad you already know how to use the existing features of tagging.

  • thanks – I just wanted it passed on the wherever suggestions go – sometimes I win one, sometimes not – but this suggestion would make my life less confusing for little used tags – I have some duplicate tags because I was not able to find the original tag and my spelling sucks which does not help the tagging either

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