Earnings from WordAds account

  • Ridicilous low Wordads revenue

    2016-04 $4.90 47,819
    2016-03 $14.45 29,907
    2016-02 $19.03 63,820

    I can not stop laughing :D . I hope WordAds not play games with us.

  • 62.705 ads impression $6,30… Jajajaa…

  • I have the same issue and won’t bore you with the figures.

    Just text chatted with Word Ads. Friendly service. The answer I got is that there has been a big dip in what advertisers are willing to pay for ads. It certainly seems plausible given the tendency of almost any market to become overheated.

    They say it might be a temporary dip, but who knows? I suggested that they might keep more people on board if they made payouts at lower levels (e.g., $50). They thought it an interesting idea but again, who knows what will come of it.

    I am turning the ads off on my blog for the time being. At $30 a month, it was OK but at $4 a month, it is just not worth it. I recommended to Word Ads that, should fortunes change, they should post a message on the Forum here at WP to let people know.

  • I call bull on their reasoning. In November they announced they were expanding the program. December is when it’d have started going. January is when I saw a drop. They have too much space to sell with their expansion devaluing things.

    My advertising revenue has gone up in every other thing I deal with. So their blaming the market doesn’t hold up at all.

    I have asked them for an accounting of my advertising and when I did that, they went silent with responses. That only happens when you’re trying to hide something.

  • This is incredible… It does not make any sense

    February: 16.334 impressions, 16.335 views, 12.111 visitors = 30,75$
    March: 7014 impressions, 27.720 views, 20.248 visitors = 7,36$
    April: 22.132 impressions, 22.134 views, 15,547 visitors = 4,20$

  • I’m super disappointed with the service of WordAds …

  • @bhschenker – You may well be right. I have not followed the matter closely but your comment, as well as those of others, makes it seem like the problem lies with Word Ads. I’ll continue to watch (from time to time) with interest.

  • The same problem happened with me – and I say “problem” because it’s obvious there is a problem. I understand all the “fluctuation” thing, but what happened this month is completely different. I hope they adjust the amounts posted, as they did when similar problems happened before.

  • @Staff
    I would like to suggest that a WorsAds Forum (sub -forum) be created so WordAds Staff deal with these issues separately in their own forum.

  • Oh rats! I made typing error above. “WorsAds” should have been WordAds.

  • @timethief – Freudian slip? Wors(e)Ads? ;-)

  • Why are you people posting into more than one thread on the same topic? What point do your think you are making by doing so?
    Please do tag searches before posting https://en.forums.wordpress.com/tags/wordads and post into a single thread on any single issue.

  • Hi folks, let’s go ahead and keep the conversation here for now instead of posting in multiple threads.

    As mentioned earlier, while it’s important to have enough traffic to earn a payout, earnings are not paid by number of impressions. There are many factors at play.

    If you’d like us to verify, post here and we will get in touch if there are any corrections.

  • @supernovia I had been in touch with someone and when asking them to verify things, they stopped responding. It’s been a month I believe.

  • earnings are not paid by number of impressions

    Really? When was it changed? Could you please update the WordAds blog if such major changes are applied? Also, how is the payment determined if not with impressions? Is now pay per click? Affiliate? I think a lot of people are interested how it works in the background. I am running WordAds since quite some time, and it always has been pay per impression or not?

    By the way, I didn’t have any issues with my payment this time, the rate was good in my case this time… Anyway, I’d be happy if you can answer my previously mentioned questions.

  • Yes, I also noticed how ridiculously low my Wordads earnings have been.

    2016-04 $53.90 65,951 (Higher impressions than Feb. but lower payout–why?)
    2016-03 $49.85 47,478 (I had more viewers this month so why fewer impressions?)
    2016-02 $76.44 59,407 (This was the corrected figure so it’s right)

  • 2016-04 $4.90 38,848
    2016-03 $13.83 24,377
    2016-02 $19.78 46,398

    hahaha.. with higher impression I got lower earning.. with lowest impression, my stats at march was higher than february and april.. :D

  • February: 16.334 impressions, 16.335 views, 12.111 visitors = 30,75$
    March: 7014 impressions, 27.720 views, 20.248 visitors = 7,36$
    April: 22.132 impressions, 22.134 views, 15,547 visitors = 4,20$

    No comments… This is incredible.

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