Earnings from WordAds account

  • mine still same with yesterday…

  • my earning tab remain the same

  • I have a related question, not directly related to earnings. I have my wordads set up to run the maximum number of ads, which normally includes a video commercial under the first post. Lately instead of seeing a video there, all I’m seeing is a gray box with a line in it. I’m concerned about this because I could be losing income if this doesn’t count as an impression. Is there a way to have the Wordads staff look at my blog and find out why the video ads aren’t playing on my site? Or maybe they are for others and just not for me?

  • they said on email

    Rates are vastly different depending on the country the viewer is visiting from. For example, we’re paid most for valid traffic from the U.S. while countries from the Middle East or Asia will not earn as much. So, only the impression count doesn’t indicate how much the earnings would be.

    i’m really dissapointed. if they said paid most for valid traffic from U.S. , i’ve got 85.608 views from U.S. in addition to other countries.

  • wordpress said that earning vs impression rate is not consistent and it’s depend where the visitor come, i know about that. but the stats page (view by country) said that i got a lot of visitor from US that makes me skeptic about their stats page is inaccurate. now they haven’t reply my last email.

  • Same here, most of my visitors are from Us and Europe yet the payment is so ridiculous .how can I get $30.61 for 111k plus ads impression. Have sent several mails but no response. I know there is an error somewhere

  • How do I chat live with a happy engineer because I definitely need my figures checked

  • still same and same…

  • I received the same response as adityasht with no adjustment to earnings. I am incredibly disappointed. When is the adjustment for the correct rate supposed to happen?

  • Hi everyone, Josh is away for a bit, so I’m going to take over this thread.

    If we were able to automatically fix your earnings, that has already happened.

    If you have contacted us via email and gotten a response, we’ve reviewed your account and will not be making an adjustment. If you’ve emailed and not yet received a response, we’ll follow up with you as soon as possible.

    I understand your disappointment regarding the drop in earnings. The advertising market ebbs and flows, and, since the Super Bowl, advertising bids have dropped in price significantly across the board.

    As our system becomes more sophisticated, our advertising parters are presented with greater information on the pages they’re bidding on. This means that high quality sites with valuable traffic are rewarded and suspicious traffic is penalized. Some publishers are buying traffic that turns out to be non-human bot traffic and our advertisers see that.

    And while you may see a lot of traffic from US visitors, there’s no guarantee that those are the users who are seeing your ads due to the proliferation of ad blockers.

    We continue to add agency trading desks to increase bidding competition – we now have over 30 bidding seats. We are also rolling out ads from the Facebook ads team in your mobile inventory.

    @luckyotter – Please open a new thread for your question.


  • Hi, the earnings of March have the same problem that the February earnings.

    Its only me or anyone else?

  • The website I run (outlander-online.com) has had a significant drop in revenue with our WordAds the past few months, but a more extreme drop from February and now March even though the ad impressions have not dropped. I’ve read through many forums and this one has been the most helpful, however, I’m still not sure who I should contact. Should I contact WordPress or WordAds with my issue. I see some people spoke to a WordPress rep but others have spoken to WordAds? Either way, I really want to know what’s up with the drop in revenue. It is a MAJOR drop that makes no sense with the history of my WordAds account that I’ve had for over a year and the earnings statement did not get automatically fixed like it did for others. If anyone can help or direct me to who I should contact, that would be greatly appreciated.

  • I’ve had low earnings too for the last two months, insultingly low, the lowest I’ve ever seen for the site no matter the month. I contacted support and initially got the standard stock response. The numbers don’t add up and make little sense.

  • I talk with several Engineers from the Live Chat of WordPress… They said that the advertisers rates have drop in the last month…

    I still do not understand my numbers ..

    February numbers:

    Views: 16.335
    Impressions: 16.334
    Earnings: 30,75$

    March numbers:

    Views: 27.270
    Impressions: 7.014 (?????)
    Earnings: 7,36$ (?????)

  • This is the response back from support which parrots what others have said:

    “After checking with our ads team I have confirmed that your ad revenue is correct.

    As our system becomes more sophisticated, our advertising partners are presented with greater information on the pages they’re bidding on. This means that high quality sites with valuable traffic are rewarded and suspicious traffic is penalized.

    While you may see a lot of traffic from US visitors, there’s no guarantee that those are the users who are seeing your ads due to the proliferation of ad blockers.

    Let us know if you have any additional questions or we can help you with anything else.”

    With this many people complaining, I don’t buy that at all. I’ve asked for a transparent accounting for all of the bids for the past two months.

  • How are you guys getting in touch with the support team? I can’t find any contact links except one that just has me post a new question on the WordPress forum?

  • @22aer22

    WordAds has it’s own site here: https://wordads.co/ and you can click on Contact and submit your request.

    However, back then you would get direct support, now they have the WordPress support form, and these guys did send a couple of people I know copy paste replies from the WordAds website. I would contact them anyway.

  • 1) I find it interesting they expand Wordads in December and we see a drop much long after.

    2) I got a canned response and have requested to see an accounting of the ads sold and for how much for the past few months.

  • Actually they expanded WordAds in November, posted again about it in December and we see a massive drop in January… I’d guess that expansion is related.

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