Earnings from WordAds account

  • Hi guys, i’ve been invited to join your program the past year, and I started to use your service since january 2016. Today I remember that your earnings dashboard hasn’t been updated for a while and my earnings are unknown for now.

    My site is estereofonica.com and I don’t know if my account is active, suspended or if this have any other status.

    Could you please tell me why my earnings dashboard is not showing what we do in the last month and how often do you update the stats on this dashboard, because by now i’m blind for what are you doing with my traffic and how much I did on this task.

    Thanks for your soon answer.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We Volunteers on this support forum don’t have answers to WordAds questions. Have you contacted WordAds Staff directly?

  • My apologies for the late reply, we had to look into this a bit. Although you were approved in December, it doesn’t look like you turned on ads until February 12th. That means you’ll see earnings soon for February, but there’s nothing to report for December or January, since there were no ads running.

  • Hi @staff-ozmodiar, we already know the ads were active since february, but the earnings report is not updated, please tell me the dates to expect the updated report of earnings.

    Most of ad programs let their users check the report daily, but you seem to be digital marketing rebels and give the report when you want and 22 days later or more?

    Take this note as a complaint for your service. The earnings report must be updated at least once a week not every other month. Put to work your team on this.


  • We are working to improve our reporting. I have passed your feedback along to the team and thank you for taking the time to report it.

  • Appreciate, and mirror your thoughts superstaction. Considering the quality of ad’s, the significant drop in payment, it is not acceptable that it is almost 28th March, and I still have no idea, of the traffic, or how much you are going to pay me.

    Considering the other month, payments had dropped so low that I didn’t even make 100 dollars (this is for a site that has had in 3 years, 4.5 million (almost) hits, and 2.5 million people – someone is winning here, and it isn’t me.

    This is the only income that I have. I need to know, am I going to get paid ANYTHING this month? Or not?….

    The other day it was saying that two months were pending. I became confused and thought that I was due those two months (it is paid so far behind). Then it said ‘paid’ for January?

    What is the payment for this month? Surely you must know? I am sorry to rant, but I am getting really fed up with wordads.

  • Hi guys, is really hard my concern about your payments and reporting. It’s the 28th and still we don’t see any change in the dashboard, nor the earnings report, nothing at all… Two weeks since the first post and you still have no answer?

    Are you still in business? Is there any solution in the short time, mid time? If you don’t act quickly, I’ll be reconsidering my affiliation and write about you on my blog and your lack of commitment with your business and your partners.


  • It’s the 28th and my earnings for February still are not posted. I had this same problem last month and I remember there was a Live chat for wordads but I cannot find the link for that anymore. How do I chat live?

  • It’s the 28th and my earnings for February still are not posted. I had this same problem last month and I remember there was a Live chat for wordads but I cannot find the link for that anymore. How do I chat live?

  • Unfortunately, that link sends bloggers to this peer support forum as when they use that link it creates a thread here on the peer support forums.

  • So, how do I go about resolving my issue?

  • It is 29th and still no update on wordads report? This is despite a number of us making complaints here?

  • This is your concern about your publishers? Is 29th and we still have no idea if the last month went good or bad. You may see the reports as long as you give us some data or dates, but you still have it under your arm and don’t make it public. Please just keep selling hosting and cloud services, the ad selling is not your business nor your best feature…

    Please put a date to see the results and don’t miss it, prove yourself as a business digital company and do the things you must provide to look like a professional and a good owner.

    All publishers are astonished by your lack of commitment with your own cause. Is this the real face of Auttomatic or WordPress.com? This is how you plan to conquer the world of advertising? This is the difference between you and your competition?

    This week is your last chance to make things right with us, there’s no more opportunities to give… If the 31th the report is not up to date, i’ll be closing my account and start writing all the bad steps you take to do a bad business, otherwise i’ll be writing about your ‘resuscitation’…

  • I can appreciate the frustration. We are working on getting reports out faster. But there are lots of moving parts to coordinate. All it takes is one ad partner to give us reports late, and we cannot complete the month.

    The WordAds Terms of Service state that payments will be made within 45 days of the end of the period:

    Automattic will issue monthly payments approximately 45 days following the end of each month in which the applicable ad payments are received by Automattic.



    And again, we are working on improving our reporting times. But it is an ongoing process and will not happen overnight. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

  • This month Wordads have ridiculous report :( .

  • And ridiculously low revenue, after a long waiting time. Completely disappointing.

  • WordAds Team: Thanks a lot guys. I now know that you’re not the company to aid, promote or recommend to monetize a website, despite of their traffic. You mock at the webmasters with your lack of reporting and real concern about your partners. I don’t want to put some effort on one who doesn’t make any for me. I don’t believe in your report, my traffic was higher than you report, you are lying to me or getting more from my site, in other words I feel robbed.

    More than 30 days just to get a report, and a lot of complaints to make you work and give some results. You’re a lot out of the big league in advertising. This is called in my city like this: disrespect! Disrespect for your partners, for your business and being against your own. My worst rating goes for you and your system.

    I prefer Adsense and other offers than you. I’m disabling your ads on the site right now, you’re offering too low in income and your issues in reporting are the main issue. If you change in the mid time, maybe i’ll get again your banners on my site.

    Maybe someday you understand this business and make a good offer, who knows. For now you’re just a disrespectful company for any publisher. Shame on you and your tools. Bad business, Bad execution, bad all your processes!

  • Is there a reason for the very, very low revenue this month? This doesn’t make sense? Not wanting to be critical, just very disappointed.

  • I noticed that too. Finally got my report for February and the revenue makes absolutely no sense. My traffic has increased a lot since January, and the number of impressions was also highe (as you would expect), so it makes no sense to me that the revenue for Feb. is about two-thirds what it was the previous month. When I saw the figure, I thought some sort of mistake had been made. How do I know there wasn’t a mistake?

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