E-mail pro achetés sur OVH : comment configurer sur WP ?

  • Bonjour,

    J’ai acheté il y a quelques jours des mails pro sur OVH et je me suis rendue compte que je pouvais envoyer des e-mails mais que je n’en recevais pas. J’ai donc contacté OVH et j’ai reconfiguré mes serveurs DNS sur WordPress selon les indications fournies par le serveur OVH : j’ai ajouté un champ MX en indiquant en nom de sous-domaine mx0.mail.ovh.net mais cela ne fonctionne pas. OVH m’a donc recommandé de contacter le support de WordPress pour m’expliquer comment intégrer la valeur mx0.mail.ovh.net dans la cible.

    Quelqu’un saurait m’indiquer comment faire ?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Translated from French:

    E-mail pro purchased on OVH: how to configure on WP? Hello,

    I bought a few days ago pro mails on OVH and I realized that I could send e-mails but that I did not receive any. So I contacted OVH and I reconfigured my DNS servers on WordPress according to the indications provided by the OVH server: I added an MX field indicating mx0.mail.ovh.net subdomain name but this is not does not work. OVH therefore recommended me to contact WordPress support to explain to me how to integrate the value mx0.mail.ovh.net in the target.

    Can someone tell me how?

    thank you,

    I have tagged the post for a member of staff to look into your issue.

    Please note that at present WordPress.com do not offer support in French, and your message has been translated with Google Translate. You can find support in French in the WordPress.com French Forum:

  • Hi there,

    There isn’t any domain under the account you’re using to post to this thread. What’s the domain name you want to add the MX records?

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