e-mail of wordpress

  • Hi, I have a free account on wordpress but I need the e-mail connected with it.
    example: (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    Is it possible to have it and where I have to search?

    Thank you, Eraldo

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Eraldo,

    Do you mean that you intend to use email hosting/email forwarding for your free WordPress.com domain? That is not possible for free WordPress.com domain. Only WordPress.com sites with a custom domain can connect the domain to an email hosting provider.

    Add Email to Your Domain

    Do let us know if you have further questions, we’ll be glad to help.

  • I need it because an e-mail marketing platform requested it to open an account with them. They said that they needed the e-mail connected with my site.
    Is it the same you are talking about?
    And is possible to have it with a 4 euros account on wordpress?

    Thank you. Eraldo.

  • I need it because an e-mail marketing platform requested it to open an account with them. They said that they needed the e-mail connected with my site.

    If I understand correctly, the e-mail marketing platform requested an email address that has the same domain name as your site. And yes, you need a custom domain to do so for sites hosted on WordPress.com.

    All paid plans (Personal, Premium, and Business) comes with a free credit that allows you to register a new custom domain for your site. So you can have something like eraldosblog.com as your site address.

    Register a New Domain

    After that, you can sign up an email hosting service and link your email address (e.g. (email visible only to moderators and staff)) to your WordPress.com site.

    Add Email to Your Domain

  • Sorry, I forgot that any email address entered on this forum will be redacted.

    The sample email address that I typed is: contact[at]eraldosblog.com. You can setup something like this once you have the custom domain for your WordPress.com site.

  • Hello there, As @staff-zara mentioned, if you upgrade to one of the available WordPressdotcom plans, you can purchase a custom domain as a part of that plan and then either use email forwarding or set up a separate email account with one of the email hosting providers mentioned in the support guide she linked to.

    However, you would not be able to use an email address like “me at mysite.wordpress.com” regardless of plan.

    Hope that helps, but let us know if you have any other question.

  • Ah-forgot to refresh first. Sorry @staff-zara!

  • No worries, @justjennifer. :)

    Thanks for the clarification on the “me at mysite.wordpress.com” part.

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