Dyad Theme Home Page – Is there any way to format the posts so they are in tiles

  • Hi there,
    I really like how how in the Dyad Theme sample screenshot, the posts on the homepage are set up like tiles instead of a consecutive posts stream. Is there a way I can recreate that on my own blog? Because when I open the live demo it isn’t set up like it is in the picture.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • also– just an ammendment to the above: the blog I need help with is actually judesfoods.wordpress.com

  • Hi Jude!

    To replicate the theme’s demo site, you’d need to set your home page to display a listing of your site’s latest posts. You can do that via the Static Front Page panel of the WordPress.com Customizer.

    Dyad automatically displays posts in the title format that you see on the demo site, with the a post’s featured image alongside it.

    To set up the slider at the top of the home page, navigate to the Featured Content panel of the Customizer and enter a tag into the “Tag name” field. You can then use that tag with any posts you wish to be featured in the slider.

    Let me know if that’s helpful or if you have any extra questions.

  • Hi. I am attempting to do the same thing – have the content show up as tiles. I have the featured content sorted out, but content under is showing up as list. The homepage is set to latest posts. site is simmerandscribe.wordpress.com.


  • fabistuffed – I see three posts below your Featured Content in a grid, as expected. Are you all set?

  • It is still showing as a list for me. one on top of the other. Not in tile format like in the theme example. the images and titles are quite large also. should they be different sizes to become the smaller tile boxes?

  • This is what I’m seeing on your homepage: https://cloudup.com/cmJCN0d1bCj

    Could you please provide all of these items so I can troubleshoot further:

  • I’m having this problem too – I can’t get the scrolling “featured” gallery on my blog, nor can I see the posts as tiles. The static page is really confusing me. My blog is: https://stronglikebullblog.wordpress.com/

  • Hi @stm20226,

    I’ve created the following screenshots to show you what I’m seeing when I visit your site:

    Can you confirm that you’re seeing something different when visiting stronglikebullblog.wordpress.com? If so, it’d be helpful if you could provide the following information:

    We can troubleshoot further together as soon as I have the above information.


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