Duplicate Content policy of wordpress.com

  • Hi

    I have a few long-form answers on quora.com which I have written at the request of people.

    Which is unique and well written But hidden from the needy audiences.

    I think If I Rewrite -Repurpose – & then Publish that answer here on wordpress.com for my followers.

    Will I get a penalty – suspension or NOT

    So I do not know what the wordpress policy is here about duplicate content.

    Also, I will not just copy and paste but I will do my best to make it fresh.

    But I am worried about the rest which will be somehow duplicate.

    The contents I have written are under my own profile.

    Same photo – Same title – same name –

    Also, I have some written posts on medium.com.

    All I want my all contents Under one roof. (wordpress.com)

    I know google does not care about duplicates content until you do not copy someone’s work. But I am not sure about wordpress.com.

    Please give me some insight and direction.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you own the content you are duplicating, there will be no issue with that.

  • Big Thanks

    You Stamped the Thoughts in my head about this issue.

    Thanks Again – See You With the Next issue –

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