Dropdown Menu Parent Color Please Help

  • My question is in regards to header menu colors and colors of drop down menus.

    My page has CSS code for a blue background behind the header text for Active and Hover items.

    One of my pages has a drop down menu with 4 other sub or “Child” pages.

    Case Types

    When I click the “Child” Page, such as “Trunk”, my active item background for the header goes away from “Case Types and I cannot see the Text because it is white.

    So I have “Home / About / Case Types / Contact / Shop” As my menu items. They’re all Blue Text and White Header background.

    I have CSS that does Blue background and White text for Hover and Active menu Items.

    But when I click on the sub pages “Trunk Rack Tray” My parent page of “Case Types” has no background and the text is white so it just looks like a black white square

    I can provide pictures if necessary.
    Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again, Ken.

    P.S Heres my current CSS for the Hover/Active Backgrounds

    /* Removal of Default Padding from Menu Item List */
    .fusion-main-menu > ul > li {
    padding-right: 0px !important;

    /* Addition of Padding for the Menu Item Anchor */
    .fusion-main-menu > ul > li > a {
    padding: 0px 11px !important;

    /* Hover Color for Main Menu Items */
    .fusion-main-menu > ul > li > a:hover {
    color: #FFFFFF !important;
    background-color: #022cfc !important;

    /* Active Main Menu item For Current Page */
    .fusion-main-menu .current-menu-item > a, .fusion-main-menu .current_page_item > a {
    color: #FFFFFF !important;
    background-color: #022cfc !important;
    .navigation-main ul ul {
    background-color: #022cfc;

    .navigation-main ul ul a {
    color: #022cfc;

  • Hello kenknowlestd!
    Could you please mention the URL of your site which you need help with?

  • Hi there,
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