Drop in Ads Served

  • Hello,

    My Ads served suddenly dropped, while my traffic remains stable.

    When looking through my website, the ads are displayed as they used to be, therefore I assume the number of ads served shown by WordPress is incorrect?

    Anyone faced a similar issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for reaching out!

    Advertising rates, as well as placements fluctuate constantly.

    The online ads system is similar to the stock market where advertisers bid in real time. Unless you have the same exact number of visitors from the same countries every single month and advertisers are valuing those visitors equally every month.

    I’d recommend driving traffic to the site, and this can be done with these helpful tips: https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-more-views-and-traffic/

    I hope this helps!

  • I’m glad I read this because I think there’s something wrong on my site too. I’ve had really good traffic and consistent ad numbers for quite a long time and yesterday and today the numbers dropped right off a cliff. Ad blockers are a fact of life and the ad system is a stock market yes but this isn’t it.

  • I am experiencing the exact same issue! This has never happened before and I’ve been using WordAds for seven years. I’m hoping it’s just some sort of glitch and will be corrected. My stats are stable and there’s no way 95% of my readership all suddenly started using adblockers on the same day. Would love some explanation because I’m kind of freaking out…

    Blog is thebiaslist.com

  • Yeah agreed! Ad blockers and other causes seem unlikely and for it to happen on multiple sites on the same day seems unlikely.

    I’ve contacted support. I suggest maybe everyone else should too. Hopefully it’ll get logged, the issue discovered and everything can be fixed up. Fingers crossed!

  • Yes, I’ve contacted support as well. It’s a relief to see that my blog wasn’t the only one affected…

  • Agreed – mine was improving gradually until Dec 8 and 9th – when it dropped to zero – even though I can see that ads are displaying.

  • I’ve heard back from support but am not yet filled with confidence that they have a handle on this yet. Still crossing my fingers.

  • Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for sharing your recent experience with WordAds in relation to the decreased ad revenue. I have reached out to the WordAds team to take a look and see what might be going on. We will follow up as soon as we have additional information.

    Thank you for your patience while we look into this.

  • Accepted answer

    Hey there!

    Quick update from the WordAds team. It looks like this issue is due to the statistics for WordAds not importing correctly and is not due to a loss of earnings. The team will manually correct this on Monday, and the stats should update to reflect the correct information. We will continue to monitor this, and update these threads if there is any additional information to share.

    Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

  • Good to hear this! Thanks for the quick follow-up.

  • Really appreciate the update! Thanks for connecting with all of us.

  • Wonderful! Thanks so much for the update.

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