Drop down menu don't work + picture on front page

  • Hey

    I have made a wordpress website http://www.madunger.dk – the website is for my educational company cooking with children.

    I used the theme Twenty Seventeen.

    When i first made the topmenu it was perfect on cellphone and would drop down. Then i made a social menu of the buttom of the page which also worked fine. After this the topmenu stopped dropping down, and now the pages are all jumbled together in the top. I want the drop menu back – if anyone can help me :-)

    Also my logo on the frontpage is perfectly centered on mobile but small and askew on pc – any fix for this?

    Looking forward to hear from you, i’m just a really small company and can’t afford to outsource this so i have to figure it out on my own with limited experience :-)

  • Hi there,

    We are not able to help here in the WordPress.com forums since the version you are using on your self-hosted WordPress site uses different source code than the one we offer pre-installed on WordPress.com.

    The good news is that you can find help for the self-hosted version of your theme here: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/twentyseventeen/


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