Drafts Getting Page Views

  • One of my Draft Posts has been getting page views, that should be impossible to happen, does WordPress.COM have a security breach of some sort?

    My Draft Post “NOAA Surveyors” had a page view early this morning and 15 page views over the last few months.

    That should be impossible as logged in users (I am the only one) do not show in the stats, the other problem is the link is the standard WordPress draft link that is: http://captnmike.com/?p=xxxx (numbers)

    Note also that I have not sent this Post out for review and also the review URL is way different.

    I did log out to test things and the link from the Stats / views returns a 404 not found (as it should) and no page view was generated

    So – what is broken? How is this happening? Or is this another “enhancement”??


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I reported this to our team for review. I’ll let you know once I hear back.

  • We tracked down our logs and found the views came from a result of using the Request Feedback tool. The person that feedback was requested of viewed the page using the special link emailed to them, and that caused the views for that post to be incremented.


  • But who triggered the request? – I don’t remember sending out a request for this Post and the last view was in the middle of the night local time when I was asleep

    Does not make sense for the what looks like random views over 3 months or so – I could maybe buy that it happened once if I was helping someone in the forum and went and triggered a request when I was logged in to check the key strokes or to check the quality of the video when viewed on my cell phone – and for me to check things would have been a once or twice thing – but the last one was when I was asleep – and if I viewed it I would have been logged in

    So sorry I am still puzzled as to how things were triggered – and more confusing since I don’t have any memory of sending a request – but as I said above – I could buy once or twice but 15 I still struggle with – even given your research


  • I’m not sure, but from our logs, it looks like it was your account sending out the feedback requests.

  • I was sound asleep when the last page view happened – I would probably not have notice the last page view but I looked at the stats about 3am when a singe page view was till on the first page of the traffic

    Do you have time date stamps on the requests that you could send me a copy of or screen captures?

    Were the requests sent out for each view? Is there a count of how many requests were sent out?


  • The last three:


    If they have the link to the feedback they can check it at any time.

  • Is this 24 hour time?


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