Draft being published

  • Due limitations of schedule post, that in the past I was informed that was until 280 posts, I change the new ones to draft and when is in the next days to be published I select the ones to be scheduled (respecting the limits), when I select a range of posts and mark as ‘published’:

    And then when marked in this, automatically is scheduled to be published in the respective dates, through the ‘Bulk Actions’. For example:

    If I change to ‘published’, it will be published in these dates as always would be.

    But something I noted since yesterday (August 1) is this: when I select that action, the post are immediately published, and not scheduled.

    I’ll show you an example that just happened: this post was in draft to August 14, and select the ‘publish’ above… and published right now.

    My suggestion, if this action now will act like this, is implement in bulk action the option ‘Schedule’ available in ‘Quick Edit’

    If you include this option in Bulk Action, it will help us too much!

    PS: the place I’m using in Bulk Action is here:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @ertmedias, I want to be sure I understand correctly. It sounds like these are your two main issues right now:

    • You have been using a special process to schedule posts. Normally, you just enter the publish date and it publishes itself on time, but you have also been marking them as published just before their due date. Is that correct? And now it’s just publishing them? At this point, you only have a little more than a hundred scheduled posts, so what happens if you just leave the post as scheduled?
    • You’re asking about a bulk action option for Schedule, correct? I’m not sure how one would select scheduled dates in bulk. Can you share more about what you have in mind there?

    If I’ve misunderstood your question with either of those, please send more details. Thanks in advance!

  • Hi @supernovia! Thanks for your reply

    To clear the questions, I’ll past your replies:

    “You have been using a special process to schedule posts. Normally, you just enter the publish date and it publishes itself on time, but you have also been marking them as published just before their due date. Is that correct? And now it’s just publishing them? At this point, you only have a little more than a hundred scheduled posts, so what happens if you just leave the post as scheduled?”

    The solution I found was create a post selecting as ‘draft’, so I can schedule later.

    If I schedule all the posts as I create them (there are quite a few posts), and I exceed the limit of 290 posts, the publications will not be published. This limit was not informed to me, but I found out performing tests in 2018 – I have been using WordPress directly on your domain since 2016.

    I do this procedure:

    1- select a number of posts and then ‘Edit’:

    2- At the status I select ‘Published’:

    And then ‘Update’. Previously, when I selected this option, it automatically scheduled posts on the expected dates, as follow an example:

    I took these 4 posts for example to show what is happening here. These posts that I defined will be published on the dates that I defined.

    But now if I select the option ‘Published’, the posts are being published immediately, and not in the dates I defined. For test, I will show this post:

    See that it’s on ‘Draft’ and the date I select show be published in August 15, 8PM GMT. But when I did edit > published:

    And it was published here: https://wp.me/p76wBU-Rt0

    In summary: instead of publishing on the scheduled date, now it’s publishing immediately. The correct would be, as always happened, when we selected the ‘published’ option, it would only publish on the date we defined in the post.

    You’re asking about a bulk action option for Schedule, correct? I’m not sure how one would select scheduled dates in bulk. Can you share more about what you have in mind there?

    First of all, sorry if I didn’t myself clear. Here is the correct explanation::

    In all posts (at ‘All Posts’ screen) there’s the option ‘Quick Edit’:

    When we click at this, open these options:

    The option I said to available on ‘Edit’ is this:

    If I select this, the post set as ‘draft’ automatically turns into ‘Schedule’ and will be published on the date we defined in post edition:

    I’ll show this one I made the printscreen:

    This post is as ‘Draft’ to 2023/08/15 at 3PM GMT

    If I select the option I showed:

    Just select the ‘schedule’ and automatically will be published at the date we defined

    My suggestion, in short form, is this:

    All posts selected will surely be scheduled at once, according to the dates the informed in post edition

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for reaching back out and providing that extra information.

    I can see how you’ve managed to piece together a workaround for scheduling in bulk and it’s pretty neat!

    My suggestion, in short form, is this…All posts selected will surely be scheduled at once, according to the dates the informed in post edition

    It’s unlikely that schedule will be introduced into Quick Edit in the native core WordPress software, mainly because, there’s probably quite the number of use cases to satisfy out of the box.

    That said, bulk scheduling is desired by some online publishers. I Googled bulk scheduling and stumbled across this plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/editorial-calendar/ – which caters for that kind of activity.

    Out of curiosity, how often and how many times are you looking to bulk schedule your content?

    The reason why I ask is, if you’re doing this on a regular basis, something like the above plugin could save you time in the long run, and it would be possible to run this plugin on the WordPress.com Business plan.

    You’d also get more storage for that increase in content also…

    I hope this information and suggestion is useful to you so far – looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Good morning @aleone89, and thank you so much for reply

    I’ll study soon change my anual plan.

    Thank you so much

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