Downloading my Blog’s Content

  • How can I download my sites ((email visible only to moderators and staff)) content to save on my personal computer, that I have built over the years? Secondly is the file of the type that can be opened and read even when not connected to (I.e. Word, etc.)?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    You can download All Content, Pages Only, Posts Only, Media Only and some other stuff based on how your blog is setup. You need to visit your WordPress Dashboard and head over to Settings > Export (You need to scroll down to see this option) and select your desired options and Export All button.

    Once complete it will show you a statement for completion “Your export was successful! A download link has also been sent to your email.”

    Now go to your registered email and download the zip file.

    This is an XML file and can be opened using any browsers. You cannot open it as a common word file.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Syed H

  • Thanks for the reply.
    What if I don’t have an internet connection? Can I transfer the XLM file to a readable file without the internet? Gary

  • I haven’t used for a few years so don’t know if it is still free or not. They turn your xml file into a pdf and include all images as long as your site is still live on the Interweb.

  • @garyguertin: As long as you have the file downloaded, you shall be able to access it with or without internet.

    : Thank you for this handy utility.

    Best Regards,
    Syed H

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