Downloading my audio files from my blog

  • I have lost copies of my uploaded audio files to WordPress. How do I download them back to my computer?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The site linked to your name is not a blog, and we won’t be able to help you with that.

  • if you have access to them through FTP it would be the easeiest thing to do get a copy of filezilla FTP client or any other from say filehippo or directly from sourceforge site.
    install it on your system and fill in your details.

    username: your FTP username
    password: your FTP password
    Port: 21 or leave balnk

    right side is your server side left is your local drive.
    Successful connection would open up a list containing maybe (depends on your host):


    now make this thing clear if you used wordpress’s audio button to upload your audios
    then follow the procedure down here otherwise if you used say Matin Laine’s wp audio player for playback on your site the files should be in the default folder audio right before wp-admin folder.
    we assume you used wordpress’s inbulit uploader then follow here:

    1. double click wp-contents
    2. then uploads
    3. select year when you uploaded
    4. select month
    5. there they are your files….

    well as from the look of it your site doesn’t look like a wordpress install

    then all that i wrote above is a waste for you atleast
    hope you can find them

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