download of ALL posts

  • I have lost ALL of my word files that were used to create my 248 posts. I need to restore them onto my computer. I tried EXPORT. It worked “kind of”. I just don’t know how to open it so that it displays the posts in a useable fashion. Timethief has helped me in the past. I am hoping that someone can provide me with an answer. I would like to not have to copy each post individually.
    Thank you for any assistance that you can provide.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We cannot provide content in WORD file format. Microsoft WORD is not web compliant. You can create an XML export file of your content. See here >

  • I just don’t know how to open it so that it displays the posts in a useable fashion.

    If you open an XML file you corrupt it. What you need to do is use Google search to locate a program that can convert an XML file into a WORD file.

  • Thanks for the reply. Actually, since that post, something I must have done is more pressing…. I have a page that greets the user. On it, I have several images after the main image. These lesser images will enable branches to different posts. The main branch is not working. If you click on RECENT POSTS it will branch but no posts are displayed. It used to. If you go to and then click on recent posts, you will see that none of the posts are displayed. I know I did something wrong, while researching my first problem, but I don’t know what. It worked, yesterday. Joe

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