Downgrade from Business to Premium

  • Hello. My business plan expired a few days and I’ve been trying to downgrade for a few weeks but found it impossible to do that- all the buttons for the plans below the Businessplan are greyed out. I’ve been trying to get through a hapiness engineer through live chat for a while, and even sent an email about this a few days ago, but no luck. I’m aware that I will loose the plugins and I just want to buy the Premium plan asap so I can edit my site. Can someone please help? I’m trying to sort this out has been exhausting as your site is very NOT user friendly when it comes to downgrades.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can’t downgrade yourself from the Business Plan. You’ll have to wait untill a Staff Member is available.

  • Hi there,

    To downgrade your site, we must revert it back to the point when you installed your first plugin or custom theme.

    As you referenced, your site’s contents (posts, pages, media files, categories, tags, projects/portfolios), theme, and customizations, such as widgets, menus, and CSS will return to the state they were in on this date. This process will also remove all plugins, custom themes, and any functionality or customizations they added to the site. You will no longer be able to add plugins, custom themes, or custom code like iframes to this site unless you upgrade again in the future.

    With being aware of the above, please let us know which option you’d like to proceed with:

    1) You would like to downgrade WITHOUT PRESERVING any page/post/media library content added while on the Business plan.
    2) You would like to downgrade and PRESERVE any page/post/media library content added while on the Business plan.

    Then, we’ll start that process and also assist you with purchasing the Premium Plan. Thank you!

  • hi, thank you for getting back to me about this. option 2, please: “You would like to downgrade and PRESERVE any page/post/media library content added while on the Business plan.”

  • Thanks @reimagininghuman – I can see that process was completed in another support interaction. Please let us know if you need more help!

  • hi. it looks like it was downgraded but i still can’t buy a new plan. the plan options below the business plan are still greyed out. please help, i need to start working on my website and making it live again asap.

  • Hi there, I wonder is this was due to browser caching on your end (showing an outdated snapshot of that screen) since I am able to confirm that those options are not greyed out on our end.

    Since you mentioned your intent is to add the Premium plan though, I have taken the extra step of adding it to your cart so you don’t have difficulty in selecting it on your end. You can see it listed here, ready for checkout:

    Also you will note that I have added a small discount as well to thank you for your patience! If there is anything else you need, fee free to let us know!

  • thank you so much for your help and for the discount. just bought the premium plan and on my side now the plans below it are still greyed out, only the upgraded plan options are available to buy. i thought this is how it was supposed to be, as it says to contact support if i want to downgrade.

    anyway, that’s another problem for another time. thanks again.

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