Domain transfer from GoDaddy to WordPress & support

  • Hi, I hope someone can help.

    I am in the process of transferring a domain from Godaddy to WordPress. I got the email from WordPress saying it completed on Thursday 30 November. It is showing as on WordPress nameservers, shows as WordPress on WHOIS, and has dropped off my domain list on Godaddy.

    I then made it my primary domain, to combine it with a draft site I had been creating while waiting for the transfer to be allowed. I can now edit it within my WordPress dashboard.

    However, if I go to the actual domain URL it still shows as parked with Godaddy.

    Oddly, on my WordPress domain management page, there is still a dialog box against domain saying ‘point to’. But the site is already showing as on WordPress nameservers.

    I know DNS propagration can sometimes take some time, but it is nine days. How long does this normally take ? The DNS IPs showing both appear to be Amazon (Cloud ?), which I guess is where WordPress rests ?

    I have also already sent an email to support (on 4 December), but have had no reply. How long do they normally take to reply ?

    Thanks in advance !


  • Hey Graham, I’m glad you checked in with us! I don’t see your support email; did you send it from this address?

    It looks like you had some stuck DNS records pointing your domain elsewhere, so I’ve reset those for you. It should start working within the next few hours. Cheers!

  • Oh! I also noticed the site is private; if you’d like to make it public, you can do that here:


  • Hi, thanks, that has now cleared and it shows it is should (being set to private). Many thanks !

    I thought the DNS in the interim stage looked a bit iffy. Both IP’s came back with some dodgy reports after some Googling. So not sure what happened there. But DNS now looking as they should do.

    If you want the dodgy IP’s, happy to pass them on for investigation if I can do so securely.

    Thanks again

  • Were they your previous IP addresses, and did you recognize them at all? If not, please do send them so I can have someone investigate. Thank you!

  • Hi, sorry only just seen your reply (system not notifying me of replies for some reason). Let me come back to you on these domains.

    Meantime I have another issue which I do not understand. Using both Firefox and Chrome, trying to look at my website (as opposed to in my WP dashboard), it is returning SSL certificate errors.

    For example, “Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for [my site URL as https://…%5D. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *, Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN”

    I don’t have the experience to know what to do here, can you assist ? Thanks !

  • Thank you for the update! The SSL certificate is automatically applied to your domain unless you’ve configured alternative DNS records.

    Upon reviewing your domain, I noticed the following setting: CNAME

    On, there’s no requirement to set a separate “www” version of your domain. Any user entering the www version will be automatically redirected to the non-www version. Could you please go into your domain settings and remove the CNAME record for www and see if that resolves the issue?

    If you encounter any challenges, please let us know, and we’ll investigate this further for you.

    Thank you!

  • Hi, thanks, that was perhaps left over from the earlier issue with the DNS which your colleague fixed.

    But to double-check, do you mean remove the CNAME line entirely from the above list ?

  • But to double-check, do you mean remove the CNAME line entirely from the above list ?

    Absolutely, it’s safe to remove! Our system automatically redirects from www to no www; meaning that if someone would type in then they’ll end up at as it is.

  • Right thanks, done that now and it seems OK. Cheers !

  • @grahamlpc51 – apologies; that doesn’t seem to have helped. But I did spot the issue, have done what it takes to patch it up, and have verified it’s all working now with and without www (which now redirects as intended; please do leave that record in place after all). It may take a few hours for the internet to catch up with changes, but I can confirm it’s all working from my connection. Let us know if you need more help!

  • Ah right no worries. Yes looks fine from my end. Now I can finish building it behind the scenes ! I will shout if I need more assistance. Thanks meantime ! :)

  • Also to catch up on the odd IPs – is it OK to post them here or should I send to a support email ?

  • You can share them here, and we can redact them afterward if you like! I don’t think they’ll do much harm in public and may help others who see the same thing, but it’s up to you!

  • OK – they were and Goodness knows how the site got stuck there !

  • Thanks for those IPs, @grahamlpc51 – those are indeed Amazon IPs and I don’t think we need to redact them, but still happy to do it if you let us know.

    Those IPs are not something that uses for our hosting or domain registration services.

    I used this free tool to look up the IP history of your site – – and it appears that your domain was using Amazon IPs for a duration of about three months before Feel free to create a new account there if you’d like to see the information directly.

    Let us know if we can help with anything else!

  • Hi thanks. I can’t sign up there as they need a business email, which I do not have. The first one I am seeing without signup is Automatic, Inc which is of course WordPress. Another free lookup site shows what I think are the Godaddy nameservers as of 15 Sep 23, which is when I bought it there, and the WordPress ones. I guess Godaddy uses Amazon Cloud. Maybe it is simply that the IP is shared by a lot of sites hosted by Godaddy, not of all of which are ‘legitimate’. I guess maybe all WP can do is ask Godaddy/Amazon to review the IPs, but I will leave that with you !

  • Thanks @grahamlpc51, I was mostly concerned about why those IPs were in place instead of our A records when you were trying to connect the site here. They seem legitimate enough.

    It sounds like the system thought it needed to preserve the old DNS settings, when that was not what you needed, so I will pass that feedback along to our developers.

  • Fair dos. Seems odd, though, given that WP must have a lot of incoming transfers from Godaddy. But anyway, one for your techies to look into. I will crack on ! Appreciate the responsive support ! :) Cheers G

  • We sure do have a lot of domain transfers! I’ve only seen a few where the A records get messed up, so I’ve shared your case in hopes to spot some common threads. Cheers to you, and thanks for your patience while we worked this one out!

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