Domain stuck – pending transfer

  • I tried to transfer two of my domains to domain registration but forgot to unlock the domain names. I put in the EPP codes and paid $27~ but now they are stuck with no way to re-initiate the transfer. says if this happens I can re-initiate the transfer without having to cancel and refund. Where do I do this? Also there is no option to cancel and refund, if I wanted to go that route.

    Where are all these features hidden? The UI is too simple and is lacking core features your documentation talks about.

  • Hi @southbaywebs! I understand we were able to sort this out for you in chat. Let us know if you need more help.

  • Thanks, will do and yea, the system is not instant when checking up on previous transfers I’ve learned. Even if knows the transfer failed, the UI to re-initiate the transfer does not show up until a second check happens 15-30min later.

    Thanks again

  • Thank you for sharing that solution @southbaywebs! If you need more help, feel free to reply here or open a new chat. Take care for now!

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