Domain Reversal

  • I accidentally canceled my plan to have you host my domain name. Can we please reverse this process?

    I also have received this message when searching for my domain:
    ‘This domain is still active and is not available to map yet. Please try again later or contact support’

    How can I recover my domain and have mapping available again?

    Thank you. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there!

    I’m happy to help. Looking at your account, it looks like a chargeback for the domain renewal was initiated, which resulted in the automatic cancellation of the domain from your account. However, the chargeback was ultimately resolved in your favor, and as a result, you were refunded the $19 fee for the domain registration renewal. For more information about this process, you can visit this link:

    We can generate an invoice for the $19 domain registration renewal. However, please note that since the chargeback process has been completed, there is an additional $15 fee that needs to be paid to cover the expenses associated with resolving the dispute. Once you settle this invoice, we will be able to restore your domain.

    If you agree to this arrangement, kindly inform us, and we will promptly send the invoice to the email address associated with your account.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries.

  • Thank you so much. Yes I agree! And I’m willing to pay the addition fee due to the inconvenience this caused you! I’ll be looking out for the email with the invoice.

  • Yes. I do agree to go forward with the domain renewal process.

  • Thank you for the confirmation! You should have received a separate email with links to the payment. Once paid, let us know here again, and we’ll restore the domain back to your account.

  • Hello @westinfaulkner

    Thank you so much for completing the payment for your domain.

    I restored the domain to your account. You can manage it from the Upgrades → Domains page in your dashboard.

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