Domain name

  • Hi! I thought it was only $15 to renew my domain, not $96?? Is there any way to get the cheaper price? I already paid my annual fee that was approximately $100 as well. Also, can I bundle two domain names for a cheaper price? If so, how much? How would I go about paying for both? Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    I thought it was only $15 to renew my domain, not $96?? Is there any way to get the cheaper price? I already paid my annual fee that was approximately $100 as well. Also, can I bundle two domain names for a cheaper price? If so, how much? How would I go about paying for both?

    Your query will be best answered by the staff. Hence, I adding modlook tag here for staff intervention.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • Hi there,

    I don’t see any domains registered on the account you’re contacting us from. Can you please let me know the domain name you want to renew so I can have a look?

    Also, if you have an active plan, you’re eligible for a free domain for the first year and you can also register as many domains as you like under one plan, but they all will be pointing on the same site. You can read more about all this here:

    Register a New Domain

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