Domain mapping necessary for premium plans?

  • Hello kind people,
    I’m very new to all of this, so please bear with me..
    I’m trying to use an external domain on WordPress, and currently I’m using the free plan, which is saying I have to pay $13 to map my personal domain.
    I did this and made my personal domain primary. However, the selected themes only apply to “” and not my primary domain.
    Will upgrading to a premium or business plan solve this problem and is mapping necessary at that point?
    Again, please excuse my ignorance.
    Any help is appreciated..

  • Were you using a premium theme prior to mapping your own domain?

    Mind sharing the name of the theme?

  • No, I only tried free themes.
    The theme does load onto “” website, but not my primary “”
    If I upgrade to a premium plan, can I use my external domain without paying for mapping?

  • Presuming you have the theme loaded on
    After you may .. What do you see on the screen?

    It may take few hours for the domain name to propagate and map.

  • I mapped it yesterday, but the theme still didn’t apply to
    I only see the default theme that came with my domain.
    If I upgrade to a premium plan, does the disappear and I’m only left with
    Thank you for trying to help btw nagpai :)

  • Ah, a peculiar issue there.
    Glad to be of any help, doing it to understand WordPress better :) and be a part of the community.

    Sorry to trouble you with more probe :)…

    When you say that after mapping you see the default theme.. do you see your original content within the default theme?

    Does it allow you to change the theme, in that case, from the admin?

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