Domain mapping and transfer

  • when I transfer a domain to wordpress from another registrar (paid the fee to WordPress and everything) if there anything else I need to do? I am confused by this whole process. I would like the info from WordPress rather than continuous Google searching. Thanks so much.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @wordshavecolor.

    I wanted to share that because you have purchased an upgrade you have access to live chat support from the contact us page (if you’d like to use it – using the forums is a great way to get in touch with support staff as well). If for any reason live chat support is full you may see the option to submit a ticket in place of the live chat button.

    You can check the current status of your domain transfer at My Site(s) > Domains. You can also read more in-depth about the transfer process on the Domain Transfers Support Page.

    I have also added a modlook tag to this thread so a staff member can take a look at the transfer progress and touch base with you. :)

  • Hello!

    I just wanted to add a bit of information to help you along!

    A full list of instructions for how to transfer a domain to can be found here.

    Since you’ve already paid the fee, did you choose to transfer completely or to map your domain? If you chose to transfer completely, you will need the authorization code to continue the process. Instructions for most popular domain providers are found in this help article. These instructions will tell you how to unlock your domain and get the authorization code.

    Once you have entered the code and confirmed the transfer, it takes about seven days for the process to complete. You will receive an email from WordPress once the domain is on the system, at which point you will be able to manage it from My Site ->Domains.

    The next step will be to change your DNS name servers to point to WordPress. The info on how to do this is found in this help article.

    If all of this has been done, it’s just a matter of waiting for the transfer to finish. You can check the status at, and it will let you know if the domain transfer is In Progress, Complete or Failed.

    I hope this answers your question for this far, feel free to ask if you need any more help!

  • Hi there,

    Your domain has already been transferred here and it’s correctly connected to your site. There’s nothing else that needs to be done.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. I’m happy to help.

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