domain mapping

  • I own the domain name, and I forwarded that domain (masking turned on) FROM the website of the company that I bought it from TO, my current wordpress address. Is this going to work, or do I have to do it from my wordpress admin panel? I know it takes 24-48 hours to populate on the web and it has only been about 18 hours since I forwarded it, but it would be nice to know now if it is going to work or has to be redone.

    Bisogno Scotti

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry about the double post, which brings up another question… do you delete a post?

  • You can delete post, You can mark this as resolved.

  • unmallya meant to say “You CANNOT delete any threads you create, but what you can do is mark them “RESOLVED” in the OP.

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