Domain Mapped: Too many redirects

  • I have added a mapped domain to my WordPress blog and correctly changed the NameServers with my registrar. When I check DNS settings through some DNS lookup service websites it seems to correctly point to the WordPress NS (1,2 & 3).

    But almost 48 hours later the domain still doesn’t load the blog and exits with a “too many redirects error”.

    I have cleared / disabled cache, flushed DNS etc, but it still doesn’t seem to work. Should I have more patience and wait a little longer or is something wrong? I also tried switching back to the default blog adres “” (this works) and then back to the primary mapped domain, resulting in the same error. I don’t know why it’s looping.

    Email is handled by the registrar, since I payed for hosting. This seems to be correctly setup as well through WordPress.

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Hi there,

    I just checked your domain at it’s loading correctly for me here:

    Are you still having trouble with that redirect error? It may have just needed a bit longer to fully propagate the domain change you made, but if you’re still having trouble please let me know.

  • It’s fixed indeed. I think we didn’t have enough patience, or it just took too long. Normally DNS changes are way faster handled :)

    Thanks for the reply.

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