Domain isn't working!

  • Over a year ago I had purchased a domain through WordPress ( Recently, I transferred the domain to Bluehost so I could use

    Since I couldn’t afford the auto-renewal fees, I cancelled hosting with Bluehost and my account with them as well.

    On my dashboard under My Domains, it says that my domain is active and renews September 2015. I figured that I could cut ties with Bluehost and be on my merry way, going back to the way it used to be since I had already purchased the custom domain through

    However, when I type in my domain into a browser, I’m getting the 404 Not Found error messages. Is this simply a timing issue, i.e. do I have to wait 72 hours or something? Or was this a mistake on my part?

    I know it wouldn’t kill me to just use, but since I’ve paid for the custom domain, I’d like to use that.

    Help! (sorry this is long!)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Kim,

    I’m sorry for the confusion. Since you transferred the domain away from, switching it back to your site requires changing the domain’s settings to map the domain back to

    That said, I just checked your domain and I see it working on your site now:

    It can take domain changes a while (as you mentioned, sometimes up to 72 hours) to take effect everywhere. Is the domain working for you now, or is there anything more I can help with?

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