Domain Expired

  • I subscribed to the domain on wordpress. but when the annual renewal, it turned out that my credit card declined because I used the old credit card. I have setup a new one but it is outside the redemption period, so it does not appear in my active purchase.

    I have read the support thread and was told to contact to get a new renewal link along with the fee. can someone help to send the link?

    on the page it looks like this:

    If your domain does not offer the option to redeem it yourself, it will be removed from your account when it enters the Redemption Period. In that case, please contact support for help redeeming the domain, and we will send you a link to make the required payment so we can recover the domain.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The domain is recovered and set as the site’s default address.
    Closing this conversation thread.

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