Domain Expiration Message – Return to Domain

  • My blog at previously had an externally hosted address set as primary: That domain has expired and I switched the primary back to However, there continues to be an overlay message that the domain has expired when I view my blog, regardless of whether or not I am logged into WordPress. Also, the site shows in the address bar and, depending on the browser/device, it is not always possible to dismiss the overlay message.

    I do not intend to renew the external domain and I would like to have the overlay message removed. How can I do this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi klugo1215,

    I’ve tagged this topic for a Staff follow-up. They’ll be able to delete the domain from your account, which will prevent the message from being shown.

  • Great, thank you Valentine!

  • Hi Kevin,

    I removed that expired domain from your site, so you’re all set with that now. If you continue to see that overlay message about the domain, you may need to refresh your browser or clear your browser’s cache.

    Please let me know if I can do anything more to help with that. :)

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