Domain Change

  • Hi, I currently host my site on Squarespace.

    I’d like to start building a new site on wordpress and switch my usual domain over once it goes live.

    Can I build a site on the current domain, and then switch it later to once I no longer need my old site?

    thanks! Yes
    Correct account: yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    Yes, you can create your website on a free account and then connect a custom domain.
    To connect a custom domain you will need one of the paid plans. They all come with a free Custom domain for the first year.
    More information about plans:

    hope this helps

  • Hi there!

    There are two different methods you could use in order to do this:

    1) Domain transfer. This is where you have previously purchased and host your domain elsewhere (such as through Squarespace), but would like to move your domain over to be hosted by Through this method, both your website and the domain would be managed by

    2) Domain connection. This is where you keep your domain registered through Squarespace, but use it to show your site.

    Either method will allow you to use to build your site, then switch it later to

    You can view more information about the differences between these two methods here:

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