does upgrading or/and apply wordads effect stats count?

  • Hello,

    I am curious with my site stats. At the end of Jan, I upgrade to personal and having wordads. Since then my site stats drop significantly. Normally I would get around 1000+ views per day in average. Last January alone, I received 60,000+ views. But now (starting Feb) I hardly receive 300 views per day.

    I contact happiness engineer and they ask me to wait and see the changes. It’s been more than a week now and it became worse. At that time I get around 600 views per day. Considering my average traffic, it’s actually pretty low. But After that it went as low as 200 views per day. The gap is too large..!

    I want to know if upgrading or/and having wordads can cause such behavior.

    It’s pretty discouraging to see the numbers.. I post like usual and no theme changed.. What went wrong?

    Please advice.. Thanks!

  • Hi there,

    Upgrading to plan or WordAds wouldn’t affect your stats count in any way.

    Check if the reasons provided in the below link are any ways affecting your website traffic.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you.

  • Hi –

    Which site are you inquiring about?

  • Hi! Sorry for late I didn’t expect the speedy reply.

    It is for

    Thank you :)

  • No problem :)

    Part of the issue might be the performance of the site. I’d suggest using lower size and lower resolution images and videos in your posts to help with that.

    You can also limit the number of posts that display, say 5 or 10 most recent.

    We don’t allow automated traffic, so it’s possible that you could have been receiving false traffic through something like a bot which has been disabled.

  • Thank you so much for the advice! I’ll take note. :)

    So the problem is not due to upgrade/wordads right?

    By the way what is automated traffic? Does that mean majority of my traffic all these while was… unreal? So it has been disabled after I upgrade?

    I’m not a tech person i hope you can help me understand >.<

  • Good Morning –

    So the problem is not due to upgrade/wordads right?

    Correct :)

    By the way what is automated traffic? Does that mean majority of my traffic all these while was… unreal? So it has been disabled after I upgrade?

    It is a possibility.

  • Good morning to you!

    It’s a relief that the upgrade/wordads is not the cause. I thought I made a wrong choice by upgrading my site. I can focus on improving my content then. Thank you so much for your help and advice. Have a great day :)

  • You’re welcome. Take care :)

  • I had the exact same think happen. My numbers were much lower than yours but decreased by similar percentage. I also asked for help or an explanation and was advised that indeed changing the domain name as happens when upgrading to personal WOULD affect the search engine traffic. My simple solution was to change back to my old URL and guess what? Within 24 hours my stats returned to what they were previous to the upgrade. Go figure.

  • Ouh that’s too bad. My site stats haven’t recover like it used to be but I still have patient in me.. it’s getting better hopefully it’ll increase more soon. But how to change back to old url? I paid to upgrade to personal and to have wordads. and I didn’t make any changes to my domain name except that the ‘wordpress’ has been dropped so it became dot com.

  • @sassafrasbeefarm

    I also asked for help or an explanation and was advised that indeed changing the domain name as happens when upgrading to personal WOULD affect the search engine traffic.

    I want to note that this is temporary. Changing a domain does lead to a drop in search engine traffic as search engines will need to re-index your site at the new domain. This takes a few weeks after which traffic should return to what it was before the domain change.


    But how to change back to old url? I paid to upgrade to personal and to have wordads.

    Please see my explanation above. I would not recommend you change back to the free address. Just keep publishing new content, as that will speed up the process of search engines re-indexing your site and your traffic will return to normal within a few weeks.

    If you haven’t already, also verify your site in Google’s Search Console, or tell them via that tool that the site address has changed if you haven’t yet.

    Webmaster Tools

  • Not trying to be argumentative – just reporting my experience. I waited 30 days during which my stats steadily declined. I submitted to the search engines but after 30 days my visits were down to 1/5 of what they were pre upgrade. I returned to the old url by changing my selection in my settings. I am still at the Personal upgrade but I use the old url. Within 24 hours my stats were back at the pre upgrade levels and have remained so since. How long should one wait to see the search engines re-index? Over the course of 30 days I only saw a steady decline.

  • How long should one wait to see the search engines re-index?

    All else being equal it takes the same amount of time as it takes for search engines to initially index a site, typically between four and eight weeks. But that is also influenced by how often you publish new content on the site, whether or not the site is verified in Search Console and whether you changed the address there (with Google specifically), etc.

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