Does This Blog Backup File Have All Previous Comments On My Blog?

  • Hello,

    Back in 2013 near the end of the year I made the mistake of deleting all the comments on my blog, and months ago I found an old backup file of my blog from 2013.

    I asked an off-topic question about it months ago ( without a response, and so I was wondering if someone could check my old backup file to see if it contains all the comments on my blog from 2007 – 2013?

    I uploaded the backup file here:

    If it does contain those comments that I deleted years ago, how would I import only the comments, and what are the risks because I have changed blog addresses and things have changed over the years?

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi John Jr –

    My suggestion is to import this to a test site and see if those comments are there.

    As for importing only the comments, that’s not possible. This is an all-or-nothing import. We aren’t able to separate certain parts.

    If the posts have the same titles and are still at the same links in terms of date and slug, there shouldn’t be duplication of posts. It will not matter if the site address changed, as long as those slugs are the same.

    That said, if the dates or titles of any posts changed there might be duplicates. There is not a way to prevent that, aside from importing to a test site. Then, manually edit everything to match the current state of the site, and export it all again.

    I’m happy to answer any follow up questions :)

  • Hello Lizkarkoski,

    I do not have a test blog (I was using my old blog as a test blog) anymore because I deleted it in the past (, but if you could restore it I could use that as my test blog again.

    That is unfortunate, thank you for letting me know.

    Thank you for explaining that, unfortunately many of my titles have changed, and so that will probably be a problem.

    I guess there is still no way to restored deleted comments from that long ago correct?

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • @johnjronline I looked at that file and found 14 comments. They are all from March to August, 2013. Nothing from 2007. Sorry your missing comments aren’t there, but I hope that helps.

  • That you very much Supernovia. :)

    Those are probably the comments that were made after The Great Deletion Mistake, and so that means that backup file is not old enough. :(

    My question is now answered, thank you both for the help. :)

    -John Jr

  • @johnjronline I wish I had better news for you, sorry about that. Take care for now.

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