Do you have functionality for a website for members only – not a subscription

  • Hello, I’m looking for a platform that can accommodate a members only login website. I would need the functionality of having gated content and being able to enter the email addresses/members manually in the backend to grant access. This is for a wine club/members only. Thank you. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello.

    If you want to create a members only site:

    1. Go to click the settings option at the top of the website.
    2. In your privacy settings, set your site to srivate. This will make it so only you can access your site.
    3. Go to the users tab.
    4. Enter the users email addresses to invite them to your site. This will give them the ability to access your site.
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