Do new pages show up in the Reader/e-mail notifications

  • You probably wouldn’t need a shortcode to keep the intro on top of the page (I tend to make things complicated at times). All you would need is to have the intro re-written there on top of the page. But the same shortcode with a specific category, showing only the one intro post, would put it above the other shortcode with all the other posts below. Does that make sense?

  • Yes! Both of them make sense – in fact, now I see what you mean about using different tags and shortcodes that’d be a way of organising the reviews into any order I like…

    Thanks again, Tess – it’ll be a week or two before I set it up properly but you’ve made something that I thought might be really difficult into something very possible.

    I’ll report back when it’s up and running, in case you’d like to see the results of your advice… :)

  • You are welcome! Report back by all means: I’d like to see it all nice and finished.

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