DNS settings for SPF/DKIM, can't get past 192 ch., can't get a hold of CNAME

  • I need to send a newsletter by morning with my domain email address, (email visible only to moderators and staff), powered by wordpress.com, but i’m going through a newsletter hosting account called “mailjet.com” and as not to end up in all of my contacts spam-box i need to configure DNS, here SPF and DKIM.. But wordpress DNS setting commands don’t allow me to enter more than 192 characters in a TXT field, problem is DKIM is 225 characters long.. by the way i tried the “workaround the CNAME field” but i just don’t get it, it apparently won’t work without a trick which i happen to not know about..
    Please help me, it’s kind of an emergency now..
    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • here’s my settings i want to enter in TXT for DKIM :

    First line :


    in TXT :

    k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC8360wpe/od7vwAjD3pCuOjQ9TqYsr3azUImKLDrcJMa/ZOKTUzrMfTWylfcQ3fVOjtZFmwk9MNn0nyPMFrPMVLx9HQHVJclQibZv09ys+jzjb38WnH4K3i74ceJtdtcwBcxkJHA0i3Rvrdk9JJidyzxZ9lL+hov+QKchIHt8xsQIDAQAB

  • sorry it won’t show up completely… :(

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately our DNS system does not allow DKIM records at the moment because it’s not currently possible to add TXT records longer than 192 characters using our DNS editor.

    It is something we’re aware of and are looking into; however, I do not have any information as to the time frame of when this would be put into place.

    I’m so sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

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