DNS Limitations

  • I’d like to point my own domain name to my blog. To do so it seems that wordpress.com does not allow for the simple option of giving me a couple of ‘A’ records that I can add in to the DNS for my domain name (I prefer to host the DNS independently).

    Instead it looks like the only option is to use wordpress.com nameservers. This would be be acceptable if I could then add in the TXT record required for my DKIM authentication, but your service won’t allow this, saying that the record is too long.

    I’ve read other posts going back some way on this forum that indicate that wordpress.com is aware of this problem and is working towards fixing it. This doesn’t seem to be a priority however, as I’ve read posts on this issue going back months. Are there plans to get this problem sorted? What’s the expected date by which this will be fixed?

    If, in fact, there are no plans to fix this issue, why not instead enable us to use third party nameservers and just give us the details of the required A records?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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