DNS error [Can't view website]

  • So i have transfer my domain to another host right now and it is still pending.

    And i also change the nameserver in my website using my new host nameserver.
    The problem is i can use the control panel. but i can’t view the website itself.

    it said :
    ‘This site can’t be reached

    jonkersfabrik.com’s server DNS address could not be found.

    what should i do?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi

    I can see a site at jonkersfabrik.com, without the error you mentioned. It is a fresh installed self hosted WordPress installation.

    Is that correct? There is only one post is a “Hello World”.

    This is likely to be a connection error at your end. Did you try to access the site from another location, or even at your mobile using mobile data?

    Try it and if the site is still down, get back to us.


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