• My email service wants me to register this DKIM record: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA9TvR3Rom9tUxHULBaBQ6fpJQD5Tu95u7K+IG3Y1E0CkBSr0EkdZolySViPYiSZ5elxQjW/mdx2YUZrTUN1tQ2lM44ZMzJaJqybbdqfPiobmyiZG/iwfhzXLiFl9iyjpOxTYq9HhnhpiBCTETgwbpZGsU0GeRP9TLZZ1JqqmcCmW+3o57k1oDE/G8hbLPNMajY28i10lJVTwRAjICe9BWahGGbIOI2GO86KH3T3Sn1elmgkn79FbPY+zG9+QQ/VTcxr4qvK77yyokrP8PW2cHsyKMHE68GHla72ZJRUkR+6vcViLVVqqEJHEvOk2RM5djBYiF33FSSlbnOOvfJJhnWQIDAQAB.

    They advise that their DNS ‘when it comes to adding TXT records, allows you to add another textbox within the record in case of character limits. ‘ Is this possible for WordPress? Are you able to do this for me? Thanks! Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    It looks like this exceeds the 255 character limit.

    Our DNS editor allows up to 255 characters for TXT/DKIM records.

    Is the email hosting provider able to provide a 1024-bit record instead?

    Many thanks.

  • Hi – does WordPress support split DKIM records?

  • Hi there,

    Apologies but our system cannot handle split DKIM records, so please check if your provider offers the option to use a 1024-bit record, which will result in a DKIM that is not greater than 255 characters.

    If you must use a longer record and your registrar (Connect West) supports it, you do have the option to manage your DNS with your registrar by setting your domain to use their nameservers. This will allow you to manage all email DNS records with them directly.

    Usually changing the name servers will take down your site, but you can set up a A Record connection (using our IP addresses) before you make the switch. This will ensure that all traffic to your site continues uninterrupted.

    Let us know if you wish to try this option and we can provide the IP addresses you will need to set up the connection at Connect West

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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