divShare player embedding!

  • recently included audio player was soundcloud, you guys even made a shortcode for it
    an audio player embedding is highly required the services that offers audio uploads doesn’t provide direct links divshare is one of them, it provides its own player to be embedded but wordpressdotcom doesn’t allow its embed code.
    there are a lot of other services too but due to embed code restrictions bloggers can’t use audio in their blogs for martin laine’s wp audio player to work a direct link is required which isn’t provided by free services only premium services provide such links so please allow divShare player embedding

  • I agree with your request. However, it’s not true that free services don’t provide direct URLs: most don’t, but Fileden is one that does.

    And embedding the divshare player is probably possible – see here:

    The gigya shortcode 3 – inserting Flash

  • Wow. You could have gotten an answer sooner if you’d used proper punctuation in that first post. I’ve read it twice and until I saw Panos’ answer I couldn’t figure out what the hell you were talking about.

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