Displaying images in Benevolence

  • Hi.

    I am wanting to switch to the Benevolence theme (from Ambiru). The model user for this theme is Yuni Yang and her site is very aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. I am unable to display my images full size (as she does) even though I’ve selected “full size” as my gallery setting. My images appear as largeish thumbnails until one clicks on them–at which point they become the size I want. What do I need to do differently with my settings?

    I would also like for my sidebar to look as polished as hers, but I have an inkling it may not be doable with the standard tools available to me. Is there any way to know whether I will need some kind of upgrade to get my site looking that good.?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can you give us a link to Yuni Yang’s site please so that we can see what she had done?

  • Hi. There’s something I want to try that occured to me when I woke up this morning. If that doesn’t work, I will be back with the link. Thank you!

  • YunaYuna’s blogHi!

    I tried something new, but it didn’t work. I am wondering if the problem is the size of my images. Right now they are roughly 2700 x 1800 pixels. I wonder if Yuni Yang presents her images as the largest size thumbnails. If so, then maybe I have to rescale my images to that size (1024 maximum width as I recall)? I tried to rescale them to that size in edit, but got an error window saying something like “can’t change image.”

    I’m not sure I know how to put links in this message. I got her name wrong in my original inquiry. It’s Yuna Yagi and her url is http://www.yunayagi.wordpress.com.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • I don’t think the crop and resize here can deal with anything over 2000px in either dimension.

    You need to crop and size your images before you upload them to something reasonable for the web and normal monitors, and I typically suggest 800px wide. This does two things: 1) it means when wordpress resizes the image to put into a gallery, it isn’t having to trash so many pixels to get the image down to the size shown in the gallery which means your images will be higher quality in the gallery and 2) you don’t end up relying on a browser to resize a very large image when someone clicks on it and it opens in a blank browser window. Browsers are really lousy at resizing image.

    Also on your galleries, try deleting one of them from one of your posts or page and then reinsert it (with the new theme active) and see if that brings them in at the larger size you desire. Do remember though that there is a limit to the width that can be inserted into a post or a page, and in Benevolence, in its original configuration, that is 420px in width.

    Yuna’s blog has been customized using CSS (Custom Design Upgrade) and they have actually reduced the content area width from 420px to 400px.

  • Also try this: open one of your gallery pages in the editor, switch to the HTML tab and change the gallery shortcode so that it looks like this:

    [gallery size="full"]

  • It sound like I’ve got some work cut out for me, but this is great information and I appreciate it. Thank you!.

  • I changed the shortcode and it worked!! I haven’t changed the theme yet, but it worked in my old theme and now I may not even want to change themes. I still think I should resize all of the images in my galleries. Am I correct that doing this means I basically have to delete eveything including captions and descriptions from my galleries and recreate each gallery from scratch?

  • I don’t know if I would worry about the images you have already uploaded, but for future images, I would definitely limit them to something like 800 or 1000px in width (for landscape).

    If you wanted to clean everything up, then you would have to go in, delete all the images for a particular page and then upload the new resized images and create the gallery again from that set of images. Then repeat that for each post or page with a gallery in it.

  • jodyoest – what happens if you click your images?

  • I set my gallery up so that images “attach to image file” or something like that, so when you click on them you get a larger image in a new window and that’s okay with me. Now that the images show up full-size from the get-go, viewers may not even feel like they have to click for a larger image to see what’s there.

    Thanks very much to everyone for all your help.

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