Display post's title only and not extra paragraph

  • Is there an easy way to only display a post’s title and not the first para (Continue Reading) text of already published posts? Or, do I need to go into each individual post and remove the Continue Reading?

    Originally, I set each post up with a Continue Reading, but not sure if this looks dated now and best just to display the post’s title?

    Many thanks :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have looked in to your site, you’re using ‘Visual’ theme. Unfortunately it is a part of your theme to display the first paragraph.

    There are two ways by which you can remove the extra paragraph:
    If you’re comfortable in changing the theme then try a different theme. You can browse themes using this link: https://wordpress.com/themes


    You can remove it by using custom CSS on your existing theme.

    Please try the below code under custom CSS & let us know if it works:

    .entry-content, .entry-summary {
        display: none;

    Please check all the pages & blog post on every device to confirm it is not impacting anything else.

    Please refer this support article for more details for Custom CSS: https://en.support.wordpress.com/custom-css/

    Please note CSS Customizer is only available in Premium or Business upgrade plan.

    Please refer the below articles to know more about business plans:

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi @tarunvijwani,

    Many thanks for the solution but I’ve changed the theme’s CSS too much to start over, for a while anyway.

    I’ve tried the CSS code and although it does exactly what I want it to do on the Home page, without the paragraph, the thumbnails don’t display as nicely. Also, once I click Destinations>Caribbean (or other), the paragraph still displays.

    Thanks again!

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