Display of recent posts

  • I want my posts on this blog to be in alphabetical order not by the date I posted them

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello nonnyjames2014, there are a few creative ways to get around this on wordpress.com sites.

    Since blogs show the most recent posts first, you could:
    1. write your alphabetical posts starting with the letter “Z” post, then Y, X, W, etc.
    2. Continue doing what you’re doing now (starting with “A” and “B”, etc) and changing the publishing time on each subsequent post. So for example, when you finish with the “B” post, go over to the publish date and switch it’s time/date to be a day or even just a few minutes older than the “A” post.
    3. Create a special A-to-Z page and make it a menu item. IN it, you could paste in the links of your A-to-Z posts as you make your way through the alphabet. note: This approach would still leave your front blog page listing the most recent posts on top.

    Here are some other ideas from DesignSimply and Timethief on a similar thread/query here.

    Let us know if that helps. Best of luck on your alphabetical posting adventure!

  • Oh, and you could also set your introductory (non-alphabetical) post to be a nice ‘sticky’ post so that it stays at the top of your site; an introduction of sorts to your site’s posts which could then flow on below.

  • Thank you so much. Most helpful

  • @nonnyjames2014
    If you decide to use the “display posts” shortcode, then you can have a list of your posts in alphabetical order right in your sidebar (so it will look like the “Recent Posts” widget). Type the code into a text widget.
    [display-posts category="alphabetical-category" posts_per_page="26" order="ASC" orderby="title"]
    Assign each post the a category you might call “alphabetical-category”
    (or whatever you want to call it…)

  • Hi!

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you during your alphabetical adventure!

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