Display author's name using Hew theme

  • My blog playblackblog.wordpress.com uses the Hew theme. My friend’s going to contribute for my blog soon and I would to like to have his name displayed when I post it but the theme lacks the feature of displaying author names. Any help? I’m only under the Free plan of WordPress. Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    If a theme doesn’t display an author byline, the only way to add it would be by modifying the theme’s source code, and that kind of change is only possible on our Business Plan using a child theme.

    But most themes do support author bylines. It’s just hidden if a site has only one author, and only becomes visible on multi-author sites. I’m not sure if that’s the case with Hew as well, but only one way to find out :)

    Otherwise you can always just add a byline manually as the first line of each post, so it appears under the title.

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