Display all images with selected TAG

  • Hello everyone
    Sorry if this is already covered but can WordPress display all images with a tag selected say via a TAG cloud, list ?

    So if I had 50 images and 10 had the TAG food and I click the TAG food on the tag list the 10 images with the tag food would be displayed.

    Then clicking a different tag would display any images with that tag.

    Wishing you well

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Dave,

    Clicking on a tag would display all posts with that tag added. You can find more information about that here:


    If you have more questions, I’d suggest asking at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/.

    Here, on WordPress.com, things do not work quite the same as on WordPress.org, so the info we could offer may not be accurate.

    To clear up any further confusion, there is WordPress.com and WordPress.org, and they are two different entities.

    We, WordPress.com, are a cloud-based platform where we manage WordPress sites, whereas WordPress.org is stand-alone software that you can download and self-host with any other hosting.

    You can find more details about WordPress.com and WordPress.org on this support page:


    I hope that helps :)

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