Disgruntled person took down website

  • Hi,

    We are a school district parent association, and one of our high school programs is a Grad Night for graduating seniors. The committee chair got mad and quit, and in the process took down our website and erased all Mail Chimp emails. (Soooo unprofessional!) The issue is that everything was routed through the website, volunteers, ticket sales, etc. The URL is branded on EVERYTHING! How can we take over ownership, and have WP use a back up tape to get it back up? The URL is: cfhsgradnight.org

  • I’m sorry, but cfhsgradnight.org is not hosted at WordPress.com. As such, we are unable to provide any direct assistance in this manner.

    The fact that the site may have been built using WordPress, or may mention ‘Powered by WordPress’ (or something similar) simply means it is using the WordPress.org software, which can be downloaded and installed on any web host.

    If you’re interested, you can learn more about the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org here:

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

    I would recommend getting in touch with the host or domain registrar for support, or checking out these resources if your site was indeed built with WordPress software:


    To find out who is hosting the site, you can visit http://www.whoishostingthis.com

    Although, if the committee chair was the owner of the site, it’ll be hard to get it back up without going through them.


  • Thank you Darnel. I found through your links Blue Host is the company hosting the site. So frustrating he did this. I’ll follow up with them. Thanks!

  • Yeah, that sounds really unfortunate. So sorry that happened to you all, but I hope some resolution will take place.


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