Disappearing Posts

  • Most of my posts have completely vanished -all except 3. Also, all the comments related to those particular posts have also simply disappeared!

    My blog is – papayas.wordpress.com – it features in the top 100 blogs, and one of my posts ‘why I support the Indian team’, is also among the top posts now. BUt this post has disappeared – clicking on it simply returns a ‘not found’

    What could be the problem – is there any way I can restore / get back my posts? It’s pretty valuable to me.


  • We are looking into that for you now.

  • I have exactly the same problem, I had written 3 posts (plainsong.wordpress.com) and all of a sudden they just.. disappeared :/

    So I’m asking the same thing, is there anything you can do to restore my posts/blog?

  • Me too. I have posts and pages dissapearing. Yesterday afternoon they were back again and now they are gone. I TOTALLY deleted a PAGE a re-did it from bedinning to end, it was all fine at first but now the new page has gone and the old one is there!!!?

  • Are your posts and pages on your Manage pages?

    If not, I would send in a feedback as this would be a backend issue more than one we can solve for you here in teh forums.

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