disappearing post title

  • I made a post yesterday and the title wouldn’t show up on my blog until I’d re-edited and saved it twice; the title’s there in the edit screen, it appears in the preview and the permalink works fine, it just didn’t show up on the blog itself.

    I go back to my site today and the title’s disappeared again; this time it won’t even come back when I edit the post. WTF? Is it because I used the forbidden word ‘ad’ in the title, and it’s getting stripped out somehow?

  • Oh, and the permalink to the entry gets stripped out both here and on the blog, so I think I will have to change the post slug and see whether that helps.

  • Yes, that fixed it. The word ‘ad’ is apparently not allowed in post slugs or forum links, as there is obviously no motivation for having a discussion about it unless you are a splogger :rolls eyes:

  • Are you talking about this one? Got me curious. Let me check on the posting of it on my test blog.

    Works for me.

    Test #1
    Test #2
    Test #3

  • My title was ‘ad sense’ rather than ‘adsense’. Try using ‘ad’ on its own, see whether that trips it.

  • Sorry for missing that one. I was trying to get all of the different combos there.

    Test #4

    Not trying to be insulting or anything. Actually curious as to why it didn’t work on yours.

  • I would expect it to accept ‘adsense’ because it can’t object to every word which happens to contain those two letters. We’d have had complaints about that by now for sure.

    But it does strip ‘ad’ when used alone, just tested it. I can’t post the permalink here, even as text, but I’m sure you can guess it ;)

    I wonder what other words are banned?

  • Still works for me


    I did the second one because I was thinking that maybe it just didn’t like 2 letter words as posts but they both work.

    Might work here in the forums for me because I’m a moderator (I know next to nothing about bbpress) but they’re working for me in my posts and I know I don’t have a special blog account like Scobleizer does. :)

  • You’re seeing a title on your ‘ad’ post and a link to it above? Weirder and weirder. I can’t see the link and this is what I get when I go to the post: screenshot.

  • That is bizarra – I can see the title in Dr Mike’s blog post no problem.

    Wank – Have you tried using (*spits*) IE?

    Can’t help but wonder if it’s your FF install.

  • I have firefox and can see it fine.

  • I wonder if it’s the same thing we had with that Andreas theme a few months ago where the time stamp would show up in one browser but not the other. That was due to the ‘float’ html though.

    There’s a drupal theme that does this as well on random post titles.

    Wank is saying that letters are missing from the slug as well though.


    Feedback sent.

  • I see ad-sense and ad both on the blog and in the feed.

    Checked any browser extensions that may have updated?
    There are certainly no filters.

  • It doesn’t work in IE, either, so it’s definitely not my Firefox install. As it works for everyone else, though, it’s obviously something at my end. I’m thinking it must be Norton, overzealous as usual.

    Thanks everyone for the help :)

  • I mean no disrespect when I suggest this but I know with my tremor issues, spelling is a hard problem for me and I get a lot of typos. You didn’t just happen to mispell the post by any chance?

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